Professional Services
Professional services from Knack Technologies® can support you from project inception through post-project staff augmentation.
Our strategic and high-level tactical expertise provide our partners with:
Strategic Analysis (needs determination, risk management, cost avoidance, best-fit solution)
Full Life-cycle Project Management
Supply/Demand Chain Management
managing all processes and related information pertaining to the movement of goods and services between members of a trading community/exchange
using technology or technological solutions to facilitate trading between business partners
We can assist with a variety of Application Development challenges, e.g.:
Life Cycle Planning & Implementation
Client/Server Application Design
Two and three tier solutions
Load balancing
Software Development
APIs and Web Services
Visual Basic, JavaSCript, Java, NetBeans, Python, SQL, C#, C++,
Web Design
Application Testing Support (QA, UAT, Performance, Stress)
We have knowledgeable, experienced UNIX/NT/Oracle/SQL Server Admins who can provide with:
UNIX/NT Host Administrator Support
Oracle/SQL Server DBA Support
UNIX/NT Networking Support
UNIX Shell Programming (e.g., sh, csh, ksh)
UNIX Utilities Support (e.g., sed, awk)
We also offer knowledge transfer and training for:
B2B Subsystems Integration and Interfacing
B2B Subsystem Auditing and Optimization
UNIX/NT System Administration & Support
UNIX and NT for B2B Environments
UNIX/NT Scripting